MHC EDUCA – COMPILACIÓN DE ACTIVIDADES EDUCATIVAS Branding, Editorial In a blue world of gadgets, this powerful notebook rules them all ‘A QUÈ JUGUEM? TOT COMENÇA EN EL JOC’ Branding, Editorial, Publicidad In a blue world of gadgets, this powerful notebook rules them all ‘COMUNICACIÓN DE LAS OBRAS En BARCELONA’ Editorial, Infografia In a blue world of gadgets, this powerful notebook rules them all ‘JUGA AMB LA LLENGUA’ Editorial In a blue world of gadgets, this powerful notebook rules them all ¡Descubre los secretos de los bosques de río! Editorial In a blue world of gadgets, this powerful notebook rules them all ‘SORORA’ Editorial In a blue world of gadgets, this powerful notebook rules them all ‘NAMAKA’ Editorial In a blue world of gadgets, this powerful notebook rules them all ‘PUJA AL TREN DE LA HISTÒRIA’ Editorial In a blue world of gadgets, this powerful notebook rules them all ‘JOC DE LA SOCA’ Editorial, Publicidad In a blue world of gadgets, this powerful notebook rules them all ‘EUGÈNE CHRISTOPHE, EL PRIMER MAILLOT AMARILLO’ Editorial In a blue world of gadgets, this powerful notebook rules them all ‘TODO LO QUE (NO) SABES DEL AYUNTAMIENTO DE MATARÓ’ Editorial, Publicidad In a blue world of gadgets, this powerful notebook rules them all ‘¿DÓNDE ESTÁN LAS ESTRELLAS?’ Editorial, Publicidad In a blue world of gadgets, this powerful notebook rules them all ‘CUENTOS DESDE LA PRISIÓN’ Editorial In a blue world of gadgets, this powerful notebook rules them all ‘DEL EDIFICIO VERDE AL EDIFICIO QUE EDUCA’ Editorial, Infografia In a blue world of gadgets, this powerful notebook rules them all HUELLA PRIMARIA Editorial In a blue world of gadgets, this powerful notebook rules them all ‘INVENTEMOS MÁQUINAS’ Editorial In a blue world of gadgets, this powerful notebook rules them all CUENTOS GIGANTES Editorial In a blue world of gadgets, this powerful notebook rules them all PHINTASTIC Editorial In a blue world of gadgets, this powerful notebook rules them all ‘LA NIÑA QUE LANZABA ESTRELLAS AL MAR’ Editorial, Publicidad In a blue world of gadgets, this powerful notebook rules them all CALENDARIO DE AIGÜES DE BARCELONA Editorial In a blue world of gadgets, this powerful notebook rules them all